You know what's interesting about a late night, how deep and mystical people become. Sitting in my living room on my favorite spot on the couch, listening to the blessed sound of silence, I can't help but transform into a pensive pool of reflective nostalgia. Even though It's a little early, I'd like to use this time to look back on 2010 and send a New Year's message out into cyberspace. There are going to be names of people you may or may not know and I apologize for not being witty or insightful, but I hope you get something out of it anyway :)
2010 was possibly the most eventful year of my life aside from 1992, which of course, was the year I joined my fellow humanoids on this life sustaining planet. It was a year filled with major mile stones that got ran over almost all at once: senior year, graduation, and of course my first semester of college which was (thankfully) successful.It was a year full of football games, basketball games, wrestling matches,and sitting in the computer lab for hours on end, just chilling on tumblr and shooting the breeze in good company. It was the year I discovered the beauty of Shakespeare, when I met the simply spectacular men of suite 201 and Michelle, and Chelsea, Brittany, and fell in love with NC State. It was the year I got to go to Church every Sunday with Matt, John, Mikey, Kayla, and later on, Chey. It was the year I met my wonderful roommate and new Best Friend Kelsey and started really understanding my faith. It was the year that Zack, Kshea, Ella, Tristan, Tyler, Charlie, Nathan, Ali, Jackie, John, Alberto, BAM, April, KJ, Gretchen, and everyone else in NSPEN, waltzed into my world and began to make every single day the best day of my life :) It was the year that I met Kristen Shank and grew even closer to my best friend Katie Liguori and shared a wonderful night at the ROTC Ball with them and our extremely attractive, very wonderful, dates. Come to think of it, we definitely had the best looking table in the whole ballroom :) Oh, and it was the year that Coleman and I finally went to a dance together. It was the year I went Clubbing for the first time and became friends with Josie and even better friends with Chrisany. 2010 I spent the night with my best friend Katie Vornheder almost every night our senior year and I am eternally grateful that she has wanted to be my best friend for what will now be 7 years this year. 2010 was the year I dated my best friend Zak which, unlike most best friends that break up, made our friendship stronger and positively wonderful. It was the year my best friend Brooke met Caleb and my bestie Ashley met Taylor. It was the year of hanging out with Dalton, Drew, Caleb and Dan the Man, all of whom are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. It was the year Tara and I became friends again and she found her wonderful boyfriend Jon. It is the year I spent all of my time at the Major's house, loving everyone in it and enjoying their existence. It was the year they moved away and I was heart broken. It was the year Kayla and Tunisia and I went to the C-store on Easter wearing Gospel Baptist Goin' to Church hats and Kayla and Chris and I stayed up on Halloween watching the strangers. It was the year of spending hours on end in my best friend Kayla's driveway, just, talking. 2010 was the year when all the cool kids came to my house to watch Glee and eat junk food every week. The year Gabby and I became friends. The year that hosted the best Christmas in Christmas history, when all my family from both sides came to our house for the holidays and my little cousins ran screaming through the house-it was marvelous! It was the year that my gov school peeps and lejeune peeps met for the first time and lived together in a beach house for a week. The year that gave me the most beautiful summer I have ever had. It was the year of Quidditch. The year I became friends with Sean again. And, the year I met Allen's family and best friend and had the honor of being his date at his sister's wedding. It was the year I met, fell in love with, and married (on facebook), Patrick McMillin. And it was also they year my first husband (I guess we're still married from our crazy illegitimate gov school wedding, I hope so anyway) Ashton, took me out on our anniversary :) It was the year I met my Acting 1 class and began, what I hope will be, life long friendships with everyone in there. It was the year Katie, Katie, Brooke and I went to Warrped Tour and almost died!!! And the year Katie L and I saw Tosh.0 live and Katie V and I almost died when we went to see Spring Awakening! Also the year that Katie V and I took a road trip to see Ash on her graduation and we had a happy jaunt in Savanna and ended up in some sketchy town with creepy people on the way back to jville. It was also the year that I got to see Kate go to her first high school dance and watch my little cousins Anna and Sarah try on my gowns for their dances. Which by the way, gave me a heart attack. 2010 was also the year Kari and I grew closer and I found out that like Bo, she is a wonderful photographer.
On a more serious note, 2010 was the first year my Dad has lived with me full time since I was 12. It was the year that I got really close to my cousin who is now like a big brother to me. In 2010 I was a cheerleader for the last time after cheering for 10 years of my life. It was also the year that I was on the stage for what I painfully admit, will probably be the last time.
But 2010, 2010 was a year I will never forget because of all the wonderful memories that were created and the people I got to know. So, instead of making a resolution to lose weight, I'm making a resolution to continue to enjoy the spectacularly phenomenal life God has blessed me with, and spend as much time as I can with all the people in it. Thank you guys for shaking things up and being absolutely fabulous human beings, and for making 2010 one of the best year's of my life. Here's a cyber New Year's toast for many many more to come! <3